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Minecraft Hits Beta 1.2

Notch has updated the minecraft_server.jar and .exe to Beta 1.2, you can download the updated client now and start playing with a whole new set of bug fixes and tweaks, but there are still some to look out for.
Don’t forget that if you have anything to report, you can check out the Minecraft Community Page and choose one of the options to get in touch with people that may have answers or would like to know of any problems!

Notch posted on the blog
New features:


{edit} A couple of updates via tweets from Jens Bergensten:
Oh btw, if you are using texture packs you will have invisible items and purple blocks everywhere. Update the textures!
The FasterRender mod by @Scaevolus is included in beta 1.2, please let us know if it helps! And send him your regards

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