Tag: PC

PC, PlayStation, Xbox

Focus Shifts To New Red River Trailer

Codemasters have released a new video of Operation Flashpoint: Red River called 'Shifting Focus' which shows off some more gameplay, but mainly focuses on the narrative behind the game and explains how the Marines must adapt to a rapidly escalating combat situation. The video shows Marines in Tajikistan as they take on the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China in what has become a far more dangerous flashpoint than first imagined after initially embarking on a campaign to quell a destabilising insurgency that threatens American interests. (more…)

Homefront Details in the Open

For those of you that want or need info about Homefront, there's quite a comprehensive blog post that gives you pretty much everything you need to know, unless you have some stupidly weird query that isn't covered and you have a fetish for asking offbeat questions to satisfy some erotic geekness. (more…)
PC, PlayStation, Xbox

Dead Space 2 Meets Dragon Age II

It's nice when two studios get together to mix content and especially when it combines two of the biggest games this year (so far), Dragon Age II and Dead Space 2. When you’re done dismembering necromorphs, don’t forget to take the fight into Dragon Age II. Visceral Games and BioWare are working together to bring two of the year’s most highly anticipated action/adventure games together. (more…)
Featured, General

Merry Xmas, Happy New Year and a Free Game From EA [Updated]

I also posted this on my blog, but it applies to both sites since it's possible I won't post on either before Jan 1st... Now, I'm not sure how long this will last for and I think it's for UK only, but EA are giving away Burnout™ Paradise: The Ultimate Box for absolutely £0 and 00p. Yes, you read right, £0.00 a.k.a. FREE! Click on http://bit.ly/g8wBAu and thouest shall receiveth. [Update] Burnout Paradise is now £2.49, if you use the code 'o3gfubinq' at the checkout, you can save even more than the already 50% off on EA Store today!
PC, Xbox

Portal 2 VGA Trailer

Video Games | Portal 2 | VGA 10: Exclusive Aperture Friends TrailerXBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii