Tag: Firemint


Take Control of Flights On Mac

Flight Control HD is yet another game that was recently on offer on Steam, also has 'SteamPlay' and also costs £2.99, but hey, why bother setting up something that probably won't work due to being incompatible with your system?! ¬_¬ For anyone frustrated by recent airport closures due to snow storms, the "Snow" map will be good therapy! Redirect flights as runways close and reopen due to changs in the wind direction - but at least you'll be in control this time ;) (more…)

Control Puzzles on a Flight Quest

Image via Wikipedia Huh? Firemint has aquired fellow Australian studio, Infinite Interactive, make sense now? If not, let me elaborate... Firemint as founded in 1999 and ran by Rob Murray is known for such titles as “Flight Control” and “Real Racing” which were hits on the iPhone. Infinite Interactive, which was founded in 1989 by Steve Fawkner is best known for the “Warlords” and “Puzzle Quest” games, but has noe become part of Firemint and Mr Fawkner has become a product manager at Firemint. (more…)