PC, PlayStation, Xbox

New Star Trek Screens Beamed Up

Star Trek: The Video Game will launch for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on April 26th which is a few weeks before the Star Trek Into Darkness movie starts showing in cinemas around the UK, but for now, there are some lovely screenshots to keep you happy. (more…)

Ni no Kuni Has a Story

If you haven't been playing Ni no Kuni all weekend, or even tried the demo, maybe you need to see a bit more of it, that's why Namco Bandai released a trailer which shows you the story. (more…)

Heard About the Tales of Xillia?

Once upon a time... Not really, if you hadn't already heard, Namco Bandai are bringing Tales of Xillia to PlayStation 3 gamers all over Europe (and Australia, if you must know), sending a tremble through all JRPG (Japanese Role Playing Game) fans' bones. (more…)
PC, PlayStation, Xbox

Prepare To Die in Dark Souls

NAMCO BANDAI Games has revealed further details about the PC version of the game, Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition, which will be available for purchase in Europe and Australasia at retailers and through Steam and Microsoft Marketplace from August 24th. (more…)
PlayStation, Xbox

London's East End Gets Some Soul

Game publishers are always looking for new and different ways to promote games, that's where ENDoftheLINE were brought in by Namco to create an epic graffiti mural and to show you how it was done, a video was recorded so you can watch the process. (more…)