Minecraft has Creepers, those annoying green things that come after you and explode, taking out everything in quite a large radius, the guys behind FortressCraft have gone in another direction and added Zombies in Content Patch 9.
Some info:
Another new addition to the game includes the Neoteric Axe, the winner of the Design a New Axe Contest. This beautifully designed item has a special advantage over the normal pickaxe – it allows the player to edit their spawn tower.
If you enjoy Spleef, you’ll be pleased with yet another feature of this content patch. Your skillfully constructed arenas will now rebuild themselves after a game. This will allow for fewer repairs and more epic battles in the Spleef Arena.
Other features of the patch include: an “Underground” level type, new light models with which to brighten your world, and weapons and stats screens. 31-player multiplayer has been included unofficially, but will be open to the public within the next few weeks – allowing more players than ever to build together.
ProjectorGames are also offering a bonus for those that buy their other game, Steam Heroes in the form of a Harrison Axe which you can use to take out the zombies.
You can buy FortressCraft: Chapter 1 for just 240 MSP, a lot less than MineCraft and just as fun and if you’re interested in obtaining the Harrison Axe, take a look at Steam Heroes which costs the same.