Once upon a time, there was a game called Half-Life, you may have heard of it. It spawned many mods, some were very popular and some not so much, but that was back before Steam even existed, so why would you release one now?
There’s a certain irony about this story. Half-Life: Before was put through the Greenlight process, it promised a high quality soundtrack and high-definition models based on Spirit of Half-Life 1.8 technology (whatever that is) with new levels and story.
On the Steam page, there’s a quote from City17.ru who I doubt actually played a comprehensive (if I can even use that word) version before release: “Overall Half-Life: Before is a quality made mod, that will mostly appeal to people who like high challenge…”
Because the mod is free, it was picked by the community in Greenlight, now it seems they’re regretting that decision. Complaints are; it’s only about 10 minutes long, bad spelling/grammar and a distinct lack of levels and story.
It’s so bad, there’s only one trailer available when there should be two. Word of advice, don’t bother re-installing Half-Life just for the sake of trying Half-Life: Before, you will be disappointed.
Find out why you shouldn’t play it by reading the “Helpful customer reviews” on the Steam page.