War Thunder has been updated to 1.39 which brings new features that include support for user generated content, squadron battles, the addition of even more planes, and early access to Ground Forces Expansion.
The info:
War Thunder now supports user generated content and players have access to special downloadable tools. From now on users are able to create their own planes, from adding tiny details inside the cockpit to truly personalizing their plane’s skin or creating a totally new model. A quick-check system ensures that newly created planes fit within the game’s parameters before allowing players to use them on local PC’s in custom missions or share them with the community.
Players can go one-step further in the creative process by using a stand-alone maps and missions editor. Players can ingeniously build upon existing maps, using them as a blueprint, or go off on an inspired tangent to devise their own brand of new maps. Players can share as well as test out user generated content via a special area housed within the War Thunder forum. Instructions for the creation of content can be found here: http://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=War_Thunder_CDK
1.39 also offers Squadron Battles – competitive events for player created factions complete with PvP-rating for squadrons, calculated by the Elo system. In addition, this latest update includes an additional 18 new aircraft, changes in the interface and improvements for player progression.
And last but not least, the update 1.39 will allow players who currently possess codes for the Ground Forces Expansion Closed beta to be the first to play as either a tank or an aircraft 24/7, but not from the very start. gaijin Entertainment will slowly implement Ground Forces Expansion into the update to ensure seamless gameplay.
The new mission called Battle of Kursk is based on the real life historic engagement that took place in July and August 1943 where the Soviets defeated the German strategic offensive, thereby turning the tide on the Eastern Front. In the game, Kursk will provide players with AI-tanks,field artillery and planes fighting alongside real players.