Xbox Live Shenanigans

My Gamercard lies?Last night, I played a Futurama DVD and some FlatOut UC on my Xbox 360 and the console was turned off before midnight.

As I came to check my blog just a few minutes ago, I noticed that I had apparently been offline only an hour and that I was ‘last seen’ on Two things wrong with that:

  1. I wasn’t even online with the Xbox 360 at that time, in fact, it hasn’t been on since turning it off last night.
  2. I haven’t been on… oh wait…

I got another achievement last night and went to see what it was about. I wish it wouldn’t do that, I’m not paranoid about my account being compromised as I’m quite savvy with security type stuff and things like my passwords are usually quite complex of at least 8 mixed characters, an example of which would be A5bn4I8n (not a password of mine, just an example). It’s just that all this integration of stuff can tend to confuse things when your Gamercard should really be kept separate to everything else, it shouldn’t say that I was (supposedly) on or even the forums, that’s one thing that worried me slightly and kind of still does.

Every now and then I’ll see the Gamercard say I’m on or have been on ‘Forums’, which forums, I don’t know since I don’t use the or forums, so what’s going on?