Konami has released some screens and a trailer for their upcoming Kiect title, Adrenaline Misfits that shows a detailed look at the playable characters as well as some of the racing environments that they will be crossboard battling in.
The trailer displays how the game is played with the usual bunch of kids flailing about to make it look like they’re playing the game by assuming the stance one normally would on a snowboard, highlighting some of the exciting combos, crazy environments and specialty maneuvers players can perform when battling to the bottom!
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More info:
Adrenalin Misfits features numerous contests that can be either one-person challenges or two-person multiplayer competitions, pitting gamers against their family and friends to see who has the best virtual crossboarding skills. Crossboarding is a crazy combination of snowboarding and wakeboarding allowing players the ability to fly and slide on land, sea and air.
Free Mode enables gamers to race through the course to defeat an opponent or solo to beat their personal best time, while Downhill Slalom tests player’s agility as they pass through several gates on the course to beat their opponent or get the fastest time. Players will also earn a Trick Score as they execute jumps, and rails tricks throughout each race. Other contests include Fly Distance, Balloon Buster, Stadium mini-games, Big Air, Terrain Park, Half Pipe and more. Collect and win more than 50 crossboards each with their own special abilities to up the ante and become one of 7 amazing characters.
Visit the official website for anything that may have been missed from here.