How many of you play games on your mobile while on the toilet? How about playing a game on your mobile in which you go to the toilet? What? Do yu have what it takes to become… The Urinator!
Inlogic Software have developed a game for mobile devices where the main aim is to make sure your urine is on target while consuming increasing amounts of alcohol, like in real life where the more you drink, the increase in difficulty it is to keep a straight aim.
“Playing the Urinator game, I had the chance to try the craziest situations that might occur in the toilet after drinking a higher amount of alcohol without actually having a drink. It’s a great fun,”
says Ján Kalafut, the Head of Business in the Inlogic Software s.r.o.
You can probably tell that English isn’t his first language, but that’s not to say the game isn’t good, to find out more, visit and