Spider-Man’s Shattered DLC

Activision has announced the release of new Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions DLC for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 which brings one unique Cosmic costume for each of the four distinct worlds in the game – Amazing, Noir, 2099 and Ultimate and are also granted one all-new signature charge attack.

Spider-Man: Shattered DimensionsBrief info:
In Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, Activision game developer Beenox took the web-slinging hero to new and unique heights by giving fans the chance to experience four different versions of Spider-Man and explore four different universes.
Players take on the role of Spider-Man in each respective universe on a mission to save their worlds from powered-up Super Villains, such as Mysterio, Carnage, Deadpool, Vulture, Sandman and more. This original take on a Spider-Man video game has garnered acclaim from fans and critics alike.
All you need to know is at www.SpiderManDimensions.com.