An update to the homebrew app that helps your organise your DS as well as use it for other things has been updated to 3.0.
Fixes found in 3.0
- Added select/cut/copy/paste to all text inputs.
- Added wifi config (including saving back to firmware) with three extra DSOrganize profiles.
- Added ability to bookmark on the web browser by pressing ctrl + b.
- Miscellaneous fixes to the HTML renderer.
- Fixed error in file wrapper causing bad file copies.
- Fixed a weird lingering cursor bug in text editor.
- Fixed startup screen error.
- Fixed an error where images that redirect would change the url of the main page loading.
- Fixed a bug with sites that use 1×1 tracking images.
- Fixed error where confirm delete screen on browser allowed you to select “..” or “.”
- Fixed some weird bugs with m3u files.
- Fixed select few files not showing their long file names.
- Fixed everything being underlined on sites with bad tags (, etc)
- Day planner now supports weekly, monthly, and annual events.
- Day planner events are now partially visible on reminder mode.
- Todo now sorts finished events as last.
- Changed handling of escaped characters to include the limited unicode support.
- Changed irc to not display characters under 32 on the ascii map.
- Updated dsWifi again for compatibility.
You can visit the ‘official’ site by going here.