I didn’t realise how popular Samurai Jack had become since it started, I remember seeing a few episodes and thought it was good, then it just seemed to lose its appeal somehow and I stopped watching it. I still watch it now and then late at night on Cartoon Network Too (the abomination that used to be Toonami) if there’s nothing else on, but I don’t make a habit of watching it.
That’s why I thought I’d make some skins of Samurai Jack, a couple are from more recent times, but one is an old image from around when it first started and he was looking rather slim. He appears to have put on some weight since he first appeared and the storyline is more random, but it’s still a pretty decent programme.
The images in this post and on the Samurai Jack Skins page are wrong, I put the ‘Vista’ overlay on the wrong image, I put it on logo.bmp instead of bckgrd_1, the images in the files are correct though as I always test the skins before uploading, that’s how I noticed they were wrong.
That’s all for now, I’ll be on the hunt for new images to make skins out of and I already have some that I want to take a look at, so until next time… By the way, to download the skins, go to the Samurai Jack Skins page.