A new R4DS skin

Well, I haven’t really been up to much lately, which is why I haven’t blogged about anything.

What I have been doing is tweaking the colours for my new skin I’ve made to use on my R4DS. The latest one is of ‘Red Hot Lauren’ who is a redhead with long hair (I like women with long hair 😳 ), any skins I make of ‘babes’ to download won’t contain nudity by the way.

So, if you’d like to download this skin to use on your R4DS, just click to download and remember that it goes into _system_themes, the zipped file is theme01, but you can rename it to themeXX (XX = 01, 02, 03, etc) if you already have a skin there that you don’t want to overwrite.

That’s about it except for Crackdown finally came from Play-Asia today, but haven’t played it yet due to my TV not wanting to stay on longer than 30 minutes and I’d have been so close to ordering a new one if 3 bills hadn’t suddenly raped the funds. 🙁