iPhone Guitar Hero See's Four New Song Packs

For those that prefer the portable version of the manic goodness of Guitar Hero, a few song packs are now available from top artists to be added to your iPhone or iPod Touch choice of strummer.

“Guitar Hero is an absolute phenomenon and we are so excited to have our music included in the new app!”

said Zach Blair, Rise Against guitarist.

“Guitar Hero introduces kids to a well of music they never would have heard otherwise. I wish they had this around when I was a kid. It’s just amazing!”

Rise Against is just one of the four that have a trio of tracks for you to purchase and play, but if you’re a little low on funds at the moment, Activision has also released a free song pack featuring two rock-inspired national anthems, “God Save the Queen (GH Version) and “The Star-Spangled Banner (GH version)” recorded exclusively for Guitar Hero by Steve Ouimette. included in the song pack are two in-game guitars with flag-inspired designs patterned after “Old Glory” and “Union Jack” for players to select for their avatar.
Breaking Benjamin Song Pack
“So Cold”
“Give Me a Sign”
Coldplay Song Pack
“Viva la Vida”
Rise Against Song Pack
“The Good Left Undone”
“Audience of One”
“Prayer of the Refugee”
Weezer Song Pack
“The Good Life”
“My Name Is Jonas”
“Pork And Beans”
The App Store link for Guitar Hero is itunes.apple.com/app/id374801345 and I guess you buy the song packs through the game…