WP7 Welcomes Morons

The Moron Test is a quiz game. The old school ...
Image via Wikipedia

Thanks to DinstinctDev, you can now take The Moron Test if you own a Windows Phone 7 and see if you can pass with flying colours or be labelled thick as pig… muck.

“We’re excited to bring The Moron Test to Windows Phone 7’s Zune Marketplace, because we’re very optimistic about the platform’s potential to gain widespread adoption. Nokia’s plan to begin using Windows Phone 7 for their devices was a surprise that makes the launch of this version even more fitting,” says Berkeley Malagon, President and CEO of DistinctDev. “We have always been eager to bring our game to as many people and platforms as possible. The Moron Test is an experience that is best shared with friends, so we want to make sure that all smartphone users have the chance to enjoy our app.”

It’s already available for the iPhone and Android phones, even Nokia users can test their brain with the app that’s a top seller, now it’s the turn of WP7 and soon to be added to iPad, Blackberry, Intel App-Up, and Mac App Store some time later.

“Our experience with bringing The Moron Test to the Windows Phone 7 platform has been nothing but awesome,” says Steven Malagon, CTO and co-founder of DistinctDev. “Powerful processors, uniformity of devices, and a robust developer toolkit allowed us to build our app relatively quickly and painlessly.”

Quick moron test, see if you can click these links for more info:
DistinctDev Website: www.distinctdev.com
The Moron Test website: www.themorontest.com
DistinctDev Twitter: www.twitter.com/distinctdev
The Moron Test Twitter: www.twitter.com/themorontest
The Moron Test Facebook: www.facebook.com/themorontest