Now, I don’t mind if people want to share the R4/M3 skins that I’ve created, but please do the considerate thing and credit the person that created them.
It seems KoenT either doesn’t know or doesn’t care who created them and so, gives himself the credit.
As I said in the Katie Melua skin comments of his NDSThemes page, if you don’t know who created the skin, look in the theme.ini file (it can easily be opened with Notepad) and you will see not only the name of the creator, but the date the skin was created.
Thanks to Anonymous for the heads up, but remember folks, if you’re going to try and steal something from someone to claim as your own, at least make some changes, even if it’s just the colour of the text/scrollbar.
And to think I was going to make some new skins soon … *makes mental note to watermark images too*… 😉